If you'd like to play a multiuser / BBS-style adaptation of the original 1987 Chaosium version of Arkham Horror, well, now you can! From a browser - http://muinet.com:4200 (login is "muinet", password is "muinet"). From a terminal app - ssh muinet@muinet.com -p 2233 (password is "muinet") ARKHAM HORROR - THE RULES THAT MAKE SENSE ----------------------------------------- Setup ----- 1 - Each player chooses an investigator and locates its matching token. If there are fewer than 4 players, each player should choose two investigators (or see House Rules below for other options) 2 - Start with $13, 3 items, 1 skill, 1 spell and 1 charity card (you do not owe the world anything charity-wise to start out with, so face it with the CHARITY side up). If there are more than 4 players, deal 2 items per player (instead of 3) 3 - Divide 10 points between strength and sanity 4 - Place all tokens in play at the Train Station (in the Location space, not on the street) 5 - Roll on the Gate Appearance Table, place the top Gate card face-down on the rolled Location. Randomly select 3 Monsters and place them face-up on the Gated Location. Put the Doom Factor on 1 6 - Roll to see who starts 7 - Players may trade Skills, but only before play starts. Players may freely trade other cards and cash throughout the game (provided they are in the same space) Winning & Losing ---------------- 1 - In Game Turn 2 (or thereafter) players win when all Gates are eliminated 2 - Players lose if the number of Gates on the board reaches: 8 (1-2 players) 7 (3-4 players) 6 (5 or more players) 3 - Players lose if the "Doom Factor" counter (the count of all Gates ever placed) reaches "Doom of Arkham" Investigator Phase ------------------ 1 - Proceed in order clock-wise around the table 2 - Move: - Roll 2D6 - Move up to that many Spaces (or none at all) - If you reach a Taxi Space or use a Taxi Whistle card, you can pay $1 and move to any Space or Location in Arkham - Moving into and out of a Location takes 1 Space of movement - Entering or exiting a Gate takes no movement - Normally, you must stop if you run into a Monster. Exceptions: - If you have "The Mists of R'Leyh" you need never stop for Monsters - If riding in a vehicle, you need only stop if you run into a Monster and only if an alternate route cannot be traced. Stop "one Space distant" from the blocker (IE, not immediately adjacent) - You need not stop for the Hounds of Tindalos unless they are in a building 3 - If you end your movement on an empty street square, your turn is over 4 - If you end your movement on an empty Location (no Monsters and no Gate), you must have a LOCATION ENCOUNTER 5 - If you end your movement on a street square, a Location or an Other World with a Monster, you must deal with it (see MONSTER ENCOUNTER section) 6 - If you end your movement on a Location with a Gate, you may immediately transit to the corresponding Other World, otherwise you must have a LOCATION ENCOUNTER 7 - Although the Dagon Mission, Boarding House, and Miskatonic University have two entrances/exits, taking shortcuts through them is not allowed (as soon as you enter the Location, your movement ends) 8 - Money, items, spells, charity cards, and local character cards may be freely traded between players that have ended their turns in the same Space/Location Location Encounters ------------------- 1 - Roll D6 on the appropriate Location Event Table - If a Gate appears as a result of the Location Event, you are immediately transported to the Other World. If a Monster also appears with the Gate, it remains back in the Arkham Location and is not encountered - If a Monster appears as a result of the Location Event (but no Gate), you must have a MONSTER ENCOUNTER - If the Location Event takes you to a new Location, treat it as if you had entered the new Location via normal movement (encounter Monsters and/or Gate, or roll on that Location's event table) - If your Location Event is a purchase, you may attempt to Fast Talk to lower the price $1 (if you fail, the price goes up by $1) Monster Encounters ------------------ 1 - When presented with a Monster (or Monsters), you must first decide to either SNEAK away from them or COMBAT them SNEAK - You cannot Sneak if there is no unoccupied Space/Location adjacent to your present Space/Location (no place to Sneak to) - does not apply if you're in an Other World - You cannot Sneak away from The Hounds of Tindalos - You cannot Sneak from a monster during the Mythos Phase until you've endured at least one round of COMBAT with it - Roll D6 versus your Sneak skill. If you roll less than or equal to your Sneak skill, you are successful - If your SNEAK is successful: - Roll a SANITY CHECK against the single most hideous species of Monster in the room (the one with the greatest potential impact on your Sanity) - Ghosts/Powers and Guardians are the exception to this rule - you must roll a Sanity check for EACH of them IF trying to Sneak past them to a GATE - Assuming your Sanity does not reach 0, you may now: - Move your investigator to any adjacent, unoccupied Space/Location -or- - If in Arkham and a Gate is present, you may move to Box 2 of the Other World and roll on the Gate table -or- - If in an Other World, put the Monster(s) back in the Monster pile and leave your counter where it is - If your SNEAK fails: - If you were attempting to Sneak to a Gate, take 1D6 damage to Strength and proceed back to step 1 (SNEAK or COMBAT) - If not attempting to Sneak to a Gate, proceed to COMBAT COMBAT - If more than one Monster is present, you choose which one you want to fight - Make a SANITY CHECK for each Monster as you begin COMBAT with it Exception - if there are multiple monsters of the same species present, you need only roll a SANITY CHECK for the first one you fight. Also, it is not necessary to make more than one SANITY CHECK against an individual Monster per Game Turn - Total the following to determine the strength of your attack: - 1D6 - Strength of any Spells cast - Your Fight skill (if Monster is not immune to Physical Attack) - Strength of any Items used - You can only employ one 1H weapon, one 2H weapon or two 1H weapons (and any number of "nohanded" items) - If Monster is only harmed by magic, item must specifically say it counts as a magic attack - Magic attack items work just fine in a physical attack - If your total is equal to or greater than the Monster's Strength Points, the Monster is dead - put it in your Trophy Stack - If there are other Monsters present, return to step 1 (SNEAK or COMBAT) - If there are no other Monsters present, your turn is over - If your total is less than the Monster's Strength, lose D6 from your Strength - If The Hounds of Tindalos inflict any loss of Strength, remove them from board and back to the Monster pile - If your Strength is 1 or higher, return to step 1 (SNEAK or COMBAT) - If your Strength reaches 0 and you are in Arkham, move immediately to the Hospital and lose one item of your choice (you may pay for healing on your next turn). If you are on an Other World, you are lost - return all your trophies and start a new investigator (or see optional "Investigator Lost" rules below) Sanity Checks ------------- 1 - You need only roll a SANITY CHECK once per Game Turn for any individual Monster (a "Game Turn" is comprised of all the Investigator Phases plus the Mythos Phase). 2 - When fighting multiple Monsters of the same species, it is only necessary to make a SANITY CHECK against the first one you fight 3 - When attempting to SNEAK from multiple Monsters of Multiple Species, you only need to make one Sanity roll against one individual of the "worst" species (the one with the greatest potential impact to your Sanity) - Ghosts/Powers and Guardians are the exception to this rule - you always have to roll a Sanity check for ALL of them IF trying to Sneak past them to a GATE 3 - Roll D6 versus your Sanity stat - If your roll is less than or equal to your Sanity stat, your roll succeeded - Look for SAN: X/Y on the Monster counter in question. You lose "X" Sanity if you roll successfully or Y Sanity if you fail your roll 4 - If your Sanity ever reaches 0, you are temporarily insane. If you are in Arkham you must immediately move to the Sanitarium and lose 1 Spell card of your choice (if you have any). You may then pay for healing on your next turn. If you are in an Other World, you are forever lost - return all your trophies and start a new investigator (or see optional "Investigator Lost" rules below) Casting Spells -------------- 1 - You cannot exhaust your Sanity in order to cast a spell 2 - There is no limit to the number of spells you can have 3 - Most spells can be used once per Game Turn (you keep them after casting them). Some can only be used once and then must be returned to the spell pile 4 - Spells work against all Monsters 5 - To cast a spell, first make a successful Knowledge Roll - If the Knowledge roll succeeds, the spell has succeeded. Pay any Sanity point costs for the spell (do not pay Sanity if you fail to get the spell off) 6 - Flip failed and cast spells face down. Next Turn, flip them back face up Gates and Other Worlds ---------------------- 1 - Monsters never pursue or otherwise move through a Gate 2 - A Gate card remains face down until an investigator moves through the Gate. After that, turn it up and leave it up 3 - If there are no Monsters present, you may move immediately through the Gate to Box 2 of the Other World and roll on the Other World's Gate Table 4 - If a Monster is present you must have a MONSTER ENCOUNTER before moving through the Gate - If you destroy or manage to Sneak past the Monster(s), you can then move through the Gate to Box 2 of the Other World and roll on the Gate Table 5 - If you survive Box 2, on your next turn move your token to Box 1 and roll on the Gate Table again 6 - If you Encounter a Monster as a result of a Other World Event and successfully Sneak past it, simply put the Monster back in the Monster pile and stay where you are 7 - If an event causes you to leave an Other World and a Monster was there, the Monster simply returns to the Monster pile 8 - If you survive Box 1, on your next turn move your token back to Arkham to the Gate of departure - If more than one matching Gate is on the board in Arkham, you can choose either - If there are one or more Monsters in the location, you may move away without any sanity loss (it's as if you are beginning your movement in that Location) - ATTACKING A GATE - Once you've returned through a Gate, you may attack it on any subsequent ATTACK step (but only once per Turn) - You must survive a Sanity Check against each of the Monsters guarding a Gate - Gates are attacked in the same manner as Monsters (Items + Spells + Fight + 1D6 vs its Strength) - You may destroy a Gate using The Dragon's Eye or the Blue Watcher of the Pyramid cards. In these cases it is not necessary to find both sides of the Gate - You may destroy a Gate (and prevent new Gates from appearing in that Location) using an Elder Sign (you must visit both sides of the Gate as normal) - If you destroy the Gate: - Add the Gate and any guardian Monsters to your trophy pile - Put any roving Monsters that match the Gate's color back in the Monster pile - If you strand another investigator on an Other World by destroying their return Gate, the other investigator is lost and must start over (or see optional "Investigator Lost" rules above). Causing another investigator to become Lost costs you D6 Sanity points - If you fail to destroy the Gate and there are Monsters present, you must now encounter them (SNEAK or COMBAT) - If you fail to destroy the Gate and there are no Monsters present, your turn is over (a Gate Attack counts as your Encounter for the turn) - If you vacate the Gated Location, you must repeat the entire process of going to the Other World before you can attack the Gate again (unless you use the Dragon's Eye or the Blue Watcher) Color Coding ------------ Different (and occasionally nebulous) colors are associated with each of the eight Other Worlds. Each monster tile is similarly color coded - - Abyss (yellow tiles) - Plateau of Leng (light blue tiles) - R'lyeh (green tiles) - Another Dimension (red tiles) - City of the Great Race (mustard tiles - IE Polyps) - Earth's Dreamlands (rust tiles) - Yuggoth (dark purple tiles - IE Migos) - Great Hall of Celeano (medium purple tiles - IE Byakhees) Mythos Phase ------------ 1 - Roll on the Gate Appearance Table to see where a new Gate appears - Place a Gate and a Monster (all face down) on the rolled Location. Advance the Doom Counter - Only one Gate may exist at any given location. If you roll a Gate appearance for a location that already has one, just add the Monster (unless it is protected by an Elder Sign) - The Hounds of Tindalos cannot appear in: Black Cave, Devil's Beach, Founder's Rock, Graveyard, Lake Miskatonic, Woods, The Abyss, Earth's Dreamlands, or the Plateau of Leng. If they attempt to appear here, remove them back to the Monster pile without effect. Do not draw a replacement - If you roll a 7 (Founder's Rock), do not put new monsters at each gated location if there is an Elder Sign on Founder's Rock. 2 - Move Monsters - Monsters that move are indicated thusly: L-X, R-X, or F-X - They move in the direction of the "arrow" on the front of the counter - They move the number of Spaces indicated after the L, R, or F - When reaching an intersection monsters with an "L" turn Left. Monsters with an "R" turn Right - Flyers move on the streets and always towards the nearest player. If two players are equidistant, the Flyer chooses the player with the highest Fight skill. If equal, flip a coin - Monsters (except for The Hounds) do not move into Locations - Monsters move until their movement is exhausted or they encounter a player 3 - Monsters Attack - Leave monsters face down until they meet a player. Once resolving an encounter, the player flips them back face down and orients the arrow as they wish - If more than one player occupies a Space, the monster will attack the one with the highest Fight skill (flip a coin if equal) - The attacked player must immediately make a Sanity Check - If still Sane, proceed to COMBAT (no Sneaking) - If both combatants survive, go to step 1 of MONSTER ENCOUNTER (SNEAK or COMBAT) The Hounds of Tindalos ---------------------- 1 - The Hounds only block/attack players in buildings, they will not stop or attack a player moving on the street 2 - You cannot SNEAK away from the Hounds 3 - After any attack in which the Hounds cost an investigator Strength points, put them them back on the Monster pile 4 - The Hounds cannot appear in: Black Cave, Devil's Beach, Founder's Rock, Graveyard, Lake Miskatonic, Woods, The Abyss, Earth's Dreamlands, or the Plateau of Leng. If they attempt to appear here, remove them back to the Monster pile without effect. Do not draw a replacement 5 - An Elder Sign will not prevent the Hounds from moving into a Location Nightgaunts ----------- 1 - If a Nightgaunt makes a successful attack, it does no harm to Strength points (do check for Sanity loss though). Instead, it carries the player through the nearest Gate. Put the player on Box 2 of the appropriate Other World (player must then roll on Gate Table). Leave the Nightgaunt in the space where it picked up the player. If encountered on an Other World, the Nightgaunt returns you back to the appropriate Gate in Arkham 2 - If a Nightgaunt carries you through a Location to Another World, nothing happens in the transited Location (no LOCATION ENCOUNTER, no MONSTER ENCOUNTER, no opportunity to DESTROY A GATE) 3 - You need not make any Sanity rolls if the Nightgaunts carry you through a Monster-infested Location Monster Counters ---------------- - Up-Arrow - Indicates present direction in which Monster is moving - R-4, L-5 - Handedness at intersections (Right or Left turn), number of Spaces moved per turn - (if any) - Vampire (add 1 to Vampire's Strength during each Mythos Phase) - Flyer (have no handedness, always move towards the nearest player) - Ghost (if Sneaking to reach a Gate, Sanity must be rolled for each individual Ghost/Power/Guardian present) - Guardian (same as Ghost - any monster sitting on a Gate) - Power (same as Ghost and Guardian, also unaffected by Bind Monster spell) - Blocker (stops players moving in a vehicle) - Silhouette of Monster - Color - Matches the color of a Gate to an Other World. If said Gate is destroyed, the Monsters of that color are returned to the Monster pile - Circle or Diamond - Indicates the handedness of the Monster (as if the R or L wasn't enough). A left-handed Monster will have a circle or diamond on its left side (relative to the arrow), and vice versa for a right-handed Monster. Blockers have the diamonds, non-blockers have the circles - SP-17 - Number of strength points (determines how hard it is to kill) - San: 1/3 - First number- Sanity points lost on successful Sanity check - Second number- Sanity points lost on failed Sanity check - Special Abilities - Only Magic Harms It: Do not use Fight Skill and Non-Magic Weapons in COMBAT against it - Killed, put in Monster pile, take 1 item - Only Magic and Silver Bullets harm it (non-magic guns can fire Silver Bullets, only the Bullets count towards combat) - Attacks buildings, only magic harms it (Hounds) - Drops you through nearest Gate (Nightgaunt) - Weapons do 1 point of damage - Note, this only affects a player's Fight skill and his "physical" weapons (each of which basically becomes "+1 physical attack"). Magical weapons do their normal damage. Locations --------- - Hib's Roadhouse & Curiositie Shoppe 1 - After surviving a Location Event, any item worth $2 or more may be sold for half price (rounded up) - Dagon Mission 1 - You are eligible to receive charity from the Benevolent Order of Dagon Mission if: - You have a charity card flipped to the "CHARITY" position (everyone starts out this way) - You move to the Mission Location - Have no spells, no money or no items, or have the fewest spells, money or items of all the investigators 2 - You may receive charity in one of the above categories (which also satisifies the requirements above). Specifically, $10 cash, 2 item cards or 1 spell card 3 - Flip your Charity card to the side reading "Repay Charity With Good Works" 4 - The next time you destroy a monster or a gate, return said trophy to the pile. Your debt is paid, flip your Charity card back to "CHARITY" - Black Cave & Shunned House 1 - Tom Big-Mountain may be hired at the Black Cave 2 - Eric Colt may be hired at the Shunned House 3 - Costs $5 (take corresponding Local Character card) 4 - Adds +2 to your Fight skill 5 - May substitute for you in defending one attack (discard after) 6 - They are not items, nor do they carry or use items - Newspaper & Miskatonic University 1 - Retainers may be found at the Newspaper and Miskatonic University. If correct Location Event is rolled and you wish to go on Retainer, collect a Retainer card - Collect $2 at the beginning of each Turn for the rest of the game - You may not sell stories to the Newspaper or monographs to the University as long as you are on Retainer - It is not possible to have more than 1 Retainer. Ignore any Location Events that would give you a second one - Hospital & Sanitarium 1 - Charges $3 per turn 2 - Stay one or more turns, add D6 Strength (Hospital) or D6 Sanity (Sanitarium) per turn 3 - Investigator without money (or inadequate money) pays as much as possible, stays one turn, and then must leave Items ----- - .18 Derringer - Costs $3 - 1H Weapon - +2 Physical Attack - Do not discard - .38 Revolver - Costs $4 - 1H Weapon - +3 Physical Attack - Do not discard - .45 Automatic - Costs $5 - 1H Weapon - +4 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Alien Spectacles - Costs $6 - Allows you to use one 1H physical weapon as a magical weapon - Do not discard - Auction - Costs $0 - Call auction and participate if you wish - Draw the next two items in the deck (discard any Auction cards you draw) - Starting at $1, request bids for the items (one item at a time) - The auctioneer may bid, but is not required to do so - Bidders may be anywhere in Arkham or the Other Worlds - If the item is sold to someone other than the auctioneer, the auctioneer gets half the bid price (rounded down), the rest of the money goes to the bank - If no one bids, the auctioneer may purchase the item at list price - An item may be used as a bid (using its cash value). If someone wins an auction in this fashion, put the bid item back in the deck and withdraw its cash value from the bank - Discard after 1 use - If you draw an auction card as a "free" item (when equipping your investigator to start the game, for example), go ahead and treat it as normal (as opposed to discarding it an re-drawing) - Blue Watcher of the Pyramid - Costs $4 - Banishes any one monster from Earth or closes any one Gate (no need to visit both sides of the Gate) - Lose D6 Strength from the concussion - Discard after 1 use - Brass Collar - Costs $3 - Your Strength increases by +1 each turn (up to a max of 7) - Do not discard - Brazen Head - Costs $8 - Roll D6 twice: 1-5: you get a free spell, 6: a monster appears - Discard after 1 use (2 rolls) - Cavalry Saber - Costs $3 - 1H Weapon - +2 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Dragon's Eye - Costs $6 - Banishes any one monster from Earth or closes any one Gate (no need to visit both sides of the Gate) - Lose D6 Strength from the concussion - Discard after 1 use - Dynamite - Costs $4 - 2H Weapon - +8 Physical Attack - Discard after 1 use - Elder Sign - Costs $5 - You must find both sides of the Gate (as normal). Costs 2 Sanity points to use - Destroy Gate (keep as Trophy), move Doom Factor back by 1 - Prevents all future appearances of Gates and Monsters at that Location - Card remains on Location after use - does not prevent The Hounds of Tandalos from entering a Location - Enchanted Knife - Costs $6 - 1H Weapon - +4 Magical Attack - Do not discard - Flute of the Outer Gods - Costs $5 - Banishes one of the following monsters: Any of the five powers, byakhee, dhole, gug, hunting horror, migo, nightgaunt, shambler, shantak, shoggoth, or Tindalos - Must be in target Space or Location - Discard after 1 use - Healing Stone - Costs $3 - Add 1D6 Strength to target player (yourself or player in same space as you). Target must make a Strength roll - Usable once per Turn - Do not discard - Holy Water - Costs $2 - +6 Magical Attack - Discard after 1 use - Knife - Costs $2 - 1H Weapon - +1 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Lamp of Alhazred - Costs $5 - 1H Weapon - +3 Magical Attack - Do not discard - Piccolo of Leng - Costs $6 - Flip a coin: Heads it succeeds, tail it fails - If it succeeds you can launch an attack without taking a counterattack. Usable once per Turn - Do not discard - Rifle - Costs $5 - 2H Weapon - +5 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Ruby of R'lyeh - Costs $15 - Adds 3 to your movement roll each turn - Do not discard - Shotgun - Costs $7 - 2H Weapon - +6 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Silver Bullet - Costs $3 - Fire with any gun, automatically kills Werewolf - Discard after 1 use - Silver Key - Costs $4 - Place card on a Space, Location or Other World Box. For the rest of the game, the owner can move freely from the Marked Spot to Earth's Dreamlands (and vice versa) during any Movement or Encounter step. Before use, perform a Sanity Check. Can be moved by owner at any time - Submachine Gun - Costs $13 - 2H Weapon - +7 Physical Attack - Do not discard - Sword of Glory - Costs $6 - 1H Weapon - +6 Magical Attack - Do not discard - Taxi Whistle - Costs $1 - Summon taxi, pay $1, take ride to any Space or Location in Arkham - Can be blocked by monsters if an alternate route cannot be traced. Stop "one Space distant" from the blocker (IE, not immediately adjacent) - Discard after 1 use Spells ------ - Bind Monster - Sanity Cost: 0 - Use against Target monster that is in the same space as the player (and "On the Gameboard", whatever that means) - Does not work against the 5 Powers - You may choose to banish the monster to your trophy pile -or- - You may choose to capture the monster and use it in a subsequent attack - Once captured, treat the monster as a weapon Item that you are carrying (with combat strength equal to the strength of the monster) - Treat the bound monster as a physical weapon (unless using it to attack another monster of the same species - then treat it as a magical weapon) - If you successfully attack a Gate using the monster, the monster along with the Gate are added to your trophy pile - If you successfully attack another monster using the monster, the slain monster is added to your trophy pile and the bound monster is turned loose in an adjacent space of your choice - Discard after 1 successful use - Cloud Memory - Sanity Cost: 0 - Add 2 Sanity Points to target (in same space) - Usable once per Turn - Dread Curse of Azathoth - Sanity Cost: 2 - +9 Magical Attack - Usable once per Turn - Find Gate - Sanity Cost: 0 - Usable while on an Other World. Use to return back to Arkham - Use at the BEGINNING of any MOVEMENT phase or COMBAT phase (after surviving a Sanity check) - Usable once per Turn - Flesh Ward - Sanity Cost: 0 - Automatically cancels one monster attack or counterattack - Usable once per Turn - Heal - Sanity Cost: 0 - Add 2 Strength Points to target (in same space) - Usable once per Turn - Mists of R'Lyeh - Sanity Cost: 0 - Next Sneak is automatically successful - you can move through a monster (or group of monsters) without stopping or bail out of a combat situation - Usable once per turn - Power Drain - Sanity Cost: 1 - +6 Magical Attack - Usable once per Turn - Power of Ibn-Ghazi - Sanity Cost: 1 - +7 Magical Attack - Usable once per Turn - Shrivelling - Sanity Cost: 1 - +6 Magical Attack - Usable once per Turn "Investigator Lost" Alternate Rules ----------------------------------- An investigator lost in an Other World can be rescued if another investigator lands on the same box. The lost investigator must agree to do nothing during the turns needed to effect the rescue. The rescue can be effected in two ways - 1 - The lost investigator can be shifted from box to box and back to Arkham with a successful Strength roll by the rescuer for each move 2 - The rescuer can give the lost investigator Sanity or Strength points by means of a spell, magical item or professional skill - If an investigator becomes lost due to some sort of generic Event (as opposed to becoming lost due to the investigator's Strength or Sanity simply reaching 0), set either the investigator's Sanity or Strength to 0 (whichever one seems most appropriate for the Event in question) - As long as the two investigators are in the same space, the rescuing investigator may "borrow" items from the lost investigator as needed House Rules ----------- - Three player (or less) game - - Take two of the following three at the start of the game - extra skill, extra spell, extra item (no more than one of each, though) - Instead of rolling D6 for healing, heal all the way up to 7 (in one go) at the Hospital or Sanitarium - If a Power is killed as the result of destroying a gate, the corpse of the Power may be used to block future gates from appearing at that location (basically, the chit becomes an ersatz Elder Sign - just without ticking back the Doom Counter). The cost for doing so is 1 item and 1 spell. - Simplified mythos monster movement - Flyers move as normal (move towards people on the street) - Any newly placed monsters move, along with any previously placed monsters of the same color - On a Gate Appearance roll of 7 (where monsters appear at all gates), all monsters move Investigator Combat Rules ------------------------- There's a small section in the original rules related to what happens when one investigator attacks another one. Ignore these and just don't allow it - the game is hard enough to beat as it is!